C vs C++ Programming Language

The main basic programming language is C and C++ programming. C language is always most basic programming language. If you want to learn any programming language so, you must start with C Programming Language. After C++ Language is preferable. But do you know what the main difference between C Language and C++ Programming Language is.

Top Programming language:
·        C
·        C++
·        Java
·        JavaScript
·        Python
·        R programming language
·        Go language
·        PHP
·        MySQL
·        Perl

Programming languages

What is C?

C Programming language

The most basic programming language is C Programming Language C is made first in 1972 and the programming language was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bells Labs. C programming language is a procedural programming language that works at lower language. The program size is very low hence it complied at very lightweight and it offers manual memory management.

What is C++?

C++ Programming language

After learning C programming next important programming language is C++. This language Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ programming language is first made its appearance in 1985. Bjarne started working on the programming language while working at Bell Labs in 1979. C++ programming language is known as object-oriented programming language. It also offers you much more features and functions to the C Programming language. This programming language is providing development of apps. C++ is also known as the upgraded version of C Language. C++ Programming language is high level programming language.

Difference between C and C++

If we are compared C language and C++ Language, there are so many differences can easily find. Like Inheritance, classes, objects, constructor, etc. C Programming language is a structural programming language, and it does not support classes and objects, while C++ is an object-oriented programming language that supports the concept of classes and objects. C Programming language is follows the top-down approach means the execution of program it start with top to bottom, while C++ programming language is follows the bottom-up approach means the execution of program is started with bottom to top. One of the major difference is input and output function. Ex. for printing a sentence in C programming language we use printf() function but in C++ Programming language we have to use cout() function. Same in C Programming language scanf() used for input but in C++ Programming language we use cin() function.

Header files:

For C Programming language header file is include<stdio.h>.
For C++ Programming language header file is include<iostream.h>.


C++ is object-oriented programming language so, we can create class in program. We can call the class methods with the help of objects. So, C++ support class in programs.
But in C language we cannot create classes and objects. We just create multiple methods in a program and call it in main function.


Only C++ Programming language is supported concept of Inheritance. As, we know that C++ is object-oriented programming language. So, if we want to inherit one class to other class C++ is supports.
But in C language is only procedure-oriented language. So, it cannot support inheritance concept.


If the class name and the method name are same that is known as constructor. And we can easily use constructor without calling the constructor.
But in C language it is not allowed to create constructor so we have to create multiple new methods for a program.


In C++ programming language we can create multiple classes and constructor. But for calling that methods we must define objects for classes. And with the help of objects we can call every methods of all class.
But in C programming language no need to create objects because there are no any classes caring different methods.

The main () Function:

In C++ programming language we cannot call a main() function from any other point. The main() function is the single execution point.
But in C programming language, we can have a main() function called by the other functions in the code.

Variables declaration:

In C++ programming language we can create variables anywhere. There is no any fix point for declaration variable.
But in C Programming language we have to declare variables in the starting of programs.
C Programming language


C programming language and C++ programming language both supports the concept of structure.

Data types:

C++ Programming language supports Boolean and string data types.
C Programming language we can define user define data types. Also, it supports built in define data types and primitive data types.


C++ Programming language supports functions with different arguments.
C Programming language not supports function with different arguments. It supports only functions without any same arguments.



C++ Programming language is supporting the concepts of data abstractions. It helps user to abstract their programs.
C Programming language is not supporting the concept of data abstractions.


C++ Programming language support the concept of Encapsulation. We can make different methods like capsule (Combine different methods togethers).
But C Programming language not support the concept of Encapsulation.


Polymorphism means same name with different arguments (Method overriding and overloading). This concept is supported in C++ Programming language but not supported in C Programming language

Function overloading and overriding:

If two methods have the same name and in same class but it has different arguments it is called as function overloading.
If a method has same name but in different classes these is known as method overriding.
This both functionalities are supports only in C Programming language not in C programming language.

 Exception Handling:

This concept is very useful for programmer but this is only supported in C++ Programming language not in C Programming language.

C vs C++

Best reference book  for C Programming language:

Best reference book  for C++ Programming language:

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