Core java

Since long time Java is most favorite programming language for developers. But do you know why Java is used so much in all over the globe? Here is the basic look of Core Java….
Java Programming Language

Java is basically divided into two parats
1)Core Java
2)Advance Java

In core java there are very basic concept of running the code successfully.
In Advance Java there are concept of software making, development, testing, etc.

Java Introduction

Java is object-oriented programming language. Since very long time it is the most used programming language of all time. Java is very simple to use. Java programming language is Statically typed language. Java programming language is compiled language. Execution is started with converting code into the byte code. Java programming language is Multi-threaded programming language. It also providing Garbage collector. Language is Secure, Extensible and well-understood. Applets and servlets are the applications of Java programming language. For compiling the java code, we require JDK (Java Development Kit). That will help to compile the program. JDK is include with some tools like A Compiler, An Interpreter, A Debugger, A disassembler, etc.


Well, as we know that Java is object-oriented programming language. So, it required class and objects for running the code. There are also attributes and behavior are helps to execute the code. Java programming language support Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism. This are the main benefits of Java programming language. This makes a program time efficient and space efficient.

Java programming language has three kinds of variables like Instance variable, Class variable and Local variable.

In Object oriented programming they support various operators, literals, statements and expressions, comments, etc. During execution of a program in two or more operators there are a fix precedence is available. That execute operations one by one.

Main features:

·        If statement
·        If…. Else statement
·        Loops (3 types)
·        Switch Conditional
·        Functions
·        Objects and Classes
·        Inheritance
·        Polymorphism
·        Abstractions
·        Method Overloading and Overriding

Java Programming:

Simple Java Program:


Class main
            Public static void main(String args[])
                        System.out.println(“Hello World”);


Hello World


Java Applet is providing various options for create some art of design. This library is providing you designs in code output.

If you want to create a new box you can easily create with java Applet.

Main statement: public class Contact extends Applets {}

We can create box, different shapes, designs, with the use of <applet> tag. We can fix the size of box, we can set size of width, height, color, position.

Database Connectivity

Java Database Connectivity

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity):

Java is providing database connectivity. We can connect Java Database with the SQL or Oracle or any other database. We can save our database and also, we can also able to edit the database with the help of database. We can perform all the SQL syntax directly in java programming.

One of the best reference book for java programming is:

Java: The Complete Reference

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